Photography in slide 3 and 6 by Cameron Wittig, all other photography by Kelsy Osterman. Hair by Kelsy Osterman, 2017.
This project was the first of my digital photography studies. In these images, I attempted to capture the full experience of how hair affects its subject, encompassing their past, present, and future embodiment of self. Hair is a universal human fiber, however we all have very different individual relationships with.
Channy Leaneagh is a dear, creative soul. We met many years ago through the world of music. Her vocals and movement as a performer have always reminded me of a collection of textures: fluid and strong, bendable, yet firm. When our paths crossed, we felt the urge to create something together. We met like clockwork, every six weeks, to explore the fibers of her hair. We spoke of many things in our time together: darkness, and the light consuming life, how to let things go, and how to know what to hold on to. As creatives, we grew together, and from these meetings came this visual story of trust and expansion.